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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is your camp appropriate for all ages?
    Yes! Our camp is designed for ages 5-14.
  • What supplies will I need?
    Unfortunately, due to the widespread nature of this program and the impact of COVID-19, we are unable to curate ordering, un-packaging, sanitizing, sorting, & distribution of kits at this time. For special item orders that may need additional processing time, we will provide a link once program payment has been made to ensure all your items arrive in a timely manner. A general supplies list will be emailed to you every week for the upcoming week of activities. We have opted to send these lists out weekly instead of all in one go because we would like to get feedback from students on what they'd like to learn. In order to tailor to our campers we need to be flexible with ordering our materials. Don't worry, these will all be common household items that may be found in any general grocery and/or convenience stores!
  • Where do I log on?
    A Zoom link will be provided at the end of the week for the upcoming week's activities. Every week will have a new zoom link so keep an eye out on your emails & texts!
  • Is there homework?
    There is no required homework. However, optional assignments will be given in some classes to further inspire engagement and entertainment after hours.
  • Who will be my point of contact?
    For general questions please contact Michelle at If you are in need of immediate assistance please call (646) 820-6638 anytime between the hours of 10am - 4pm. For specific questions regarding the camp curriculum please reach out to Alex, our program/educational director, at
  • Do parents get to meet the camper's counselor?
    Parents can feel free, and are encouraged, to join in on orientation day on June 25 or at any time during class and follow along!
  • Is the camp a live video stream or is it pre-recorded?
    All of our classes are live unless there is an extreme circumstance like a wide-spread power outage.
  • What happens if the instructor's internet cuts out?
    Glitches and connectivity issues happen from time to time! This is why we have a moderator present at every session for quality assurance. If in the event your instructor becomes disconnected, your moderator will take over while we work on getting your instructor back online.
  • Will my child be recorded?
    All classes are recorded for quality assurance and safety. No recordings will be used in advertisements or in any other media marketing tools.
  • What is the appropriate amount of time a camper will sit in front of a screen and remain fully engaged?
    Each class is 40 minutes long with a 20 minute break for water, snacks, bathroom, attention breaks, etc.
  • Is the video platform secure?
    Yes, after many updates the Zoom platform has recently made sure that it is easy to secure your communications.
  • What type of technology will I need to access the virtual camp platform?
    Anything with a good internet connection with a good quality camera such as a smartphone, tablet, PC, Mac, Chromebook will work. Wireless headphones would amplify our ability to communicate effectively. Campers don't need to use a keyboard and/or mouse OR can campers watch the screen and follow along without ever having to use additional components? This depends on the class, but we try to minimize interaction with the video software.
  • When is payment due and how do I pay?
    Upon registration you will be sent an electronic agreement which will include a link to pay your invoice. Payment is due before you can reserve your spot. Spots are limited. Final day for payment is June 21.
  • What happens if my child misses a day or two? Or if I registered late? Or if I am unable to get the supplies in time? Will I be able to get some of my money back?
    Like any summer camp if your child misses a day or two there are no refunds.
Additional Questions?

Reach out to us!

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